Dog Clothing & Shoes Red Dog Coat
This item only ships to Australia
The Red All-Weather Dog Coat Is An Outdoor Gear Essential. The Unique Design Of Our Dog Coat Allows It To Fit Under The Chest To Cover And Provide Extra Protection From Rain And Mud. Easy To Fit With hook-and-loop tape Straps On Top.
- Adjustable Leg Straps To Keep Back Legs Warm And Dry.
- Water And Windproof.
- A Hole For Harness Or Lead.
- Fully Quilted And Lined For Extra Warmth.
- Elastic Collar For Extra Style And Easy Fit Over The Dogs Head.
- Top Fastening hook-and-loop tape Allows Simple And Quick Fitting On All Dog Sizes.
- Available In 6 Sizes.
- 35Cm
- 40Cm
- 45Cm
- 50Cm
- 60Cm
- 70Cm
Risk-free 30 day return guarantee plus a 1 year warranty. If for any reason you do not want the product during the first 30 days you can return it to us for a refund. Please note that if the item has been used we cannot accept the return. In addition to this we offer a 1 year full replacement warranty, regardless of the country you live in.
All orders are shipped in 24 to 48 hours of you placing the order and will be shipped with TRACKACY.COM. You will also receive email updates each step of the way. Typical delivery times are between 5 and 13 business days however depending on your location you may receive your item earlier. All orders are shipped with tracking numbers so you can track it every step of the way!
We have 24/7 365 days customer support where we will always respond within 12 hours.
All orders are processed in AUD.